Новый террейн

22:00 KREM 0 Comments


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Слухи: Fortifications

13:26 KREM 0 Comments

В новом WD засветились фотографии новых имперских фортификаций - траншей и бункеров.

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Новый FAQ: Chaos spacce marines

09:19 KREM 0 Comments

Ссылка на новый FAQ. Самый короткий за историю ГВ. 

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Слухи: Тау

09:15 KREM 0 Comments

Небольшая компиляция слухов о грядущем релизе Империи Тау:

Originally Posted by Stickmonkey
This is what I had earlier this year:

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Слухи: новые релизы для маринов

11:15 KREM 0 Comments

Eldargal via Stickmonkey

New Tactical Squad. Heavy Flamer, Mk 8 style
There are more mk 8 bits here than before, but there are still "beakies" too. Includes many options not released before in plastic, including a Hvy flamer, a backpack (devastator style) missile launcher w flakk missile, slings on bolters, power weapon options. Basically think of all the blinged out options you get w a BA, SW, GK box and now apply it to tactical marines. Poses are all standing, but they aren't as static.
New Assault Squad. New Jump Packs. New weapon options
Retooling similar to the Tactical squad. The jump packs are all new, but are the same style as current ones. They just look better cause the seam has been removed. New cc options in the sprue include TH/SS and LC. There are a few new options in here I can't reveal. 
New Librarian Mini-sprue. Codex options included
This is where the librarian/chaplain kit I saw a long time ago went. Has a force sword or staff, combi-weapons, pistols. Two heads. All in 2 mini sprues. Only options from current codex not present are jump pack, bike, or TA. No info on where the Chaplain went.
New Techmarine mini sprue. Conversion Beamer
Very similar to current tech ax Techmarine. Layered body. Has tech ax, tech sword, plasma pistol, combi weapons, couple variants on servo arms, and conversion beamer. 2 mini sprues. 
Note: both mini sprue character's heads and weapons are compatible with existing line. But the arms/bodies are unique.
New scout box. New sculpts. Combined boxes. New options. 
Includes some new scout only weapons. Heads are less bulky. All codex options present in one box.
New Flyer - Interceptor/bomber 
Flat but boxy. Storm Raven sized. No transport. No hover. Heavy assault cannon and ff missiles. Or bombs and servo drones in gun pods.  Kit shares wing/engine aesthetics of Storm Raven, but fuselage is flatter. Wings are not as bent. No thrusters in wingtips. Two tail options, one for each build.
New Scout Wheeled Transport
Like Tauros (FW-IG buggy) but open wagon style. Halo Warthog mashed w/ Rhino. Pintle TL HB.
Rumored rule only will allow pintle weapon when unit is embarked. Fast vehicle. Four buggy style wheels. Rider models/bits compatible with new scout box. Roughly Rhino sized. For Baja race fans think armored sandrail.
These are all WIP and no release timing is available. Codex Space Marines is not underway, so these may be a splash release or could be a long way off.

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Слухи: новые фортификации

09:02 KREM 0 Comments

см. стр.80 нового хаосного кодекса
Дарог пишет:

До нового года или уже после в журнале WD выйдут новые типы фортификаций от 5-7 базовых новых фортификаций и новые укрепления для почти каждой армии. Например, ИГ получит окопы (3+ кавер сейв для пехоты). Хаос сможет кораптить бункеры. Те, кто не получат укрепления получат новые опции к существующим, например СМ получат орудие и что-то еще, а хаос - алтарь. Соответственно, к этому приурочено издание новых пластиковых наборов.

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Слухи: Сайфер

08:54 KREM 0 Comments

 "Это не утечка и не фейк, это то, что ушло в никуда."
Faeit 212
На очередном сайте, посвященном 40к всплыл скрин страницы, на которой написано Сайфер:
Очень странная верстка, не похожая на кодексный вариант. Фото из Мадрида, поэтому на испанском. Предположительно должен был быть в лимитной версии стартера, на чап превозмог.
The first is the paragraph immediately preceding his stats:
"No one knows why Cypher is interested in the Stone of Infernal Fire, and it's very probable that few remember seeing this sinister figure on the battlefield. But what's certain is that participation, however brief, will mark the outcome of the battle."
The other is a translation of the text at the very bottom of the page:
"This character is only valid in Spain for 2 months after the publication date (September 2012). If you want to use him in a non-GW event, consult the TO for permission."
So, we have mention of the same Stone of Infernal Fire which sounds a lot like the Hellfire Stone from Dark Vengeance. We also see that this character entry is only valid until the month of November, when the new Dark Angels codex is expected to drop. Looks like a form of confirmation to me, and one can't help but wonder what this means for GW. Is this for a specific event? Or could they be using new units in test markets? Some big implications there... Either way, we'll know for certain in a month!
Edit: Shortly after posting, I received additional information from the gentleman who took the photo, Luis. Here's what he had to say.
"My name is Luis, aka "Agramar". I took the photo of the rules for Cypher this morning in GW Argüelles (Madrid) you can find it in my own blog . The rules are official only in Spain.Yeah, I know it is quite strange but that is the way it is.
They are official only in Spain and it seems to be useful just for a couple of months."
"Yep, it is something taken from GW: the staff of the GW shop told me that they had adapted the rules to be used in a game -you know, the rules were given as they appear in the pic, and they modified them as they wanted to be used in a particular game played there.
                                    WS  BS  S  T  W  I  A  Ld  S
Rules given to Cypher:     7    8    5  5   3  7  3   10  2+
Artificer armour, Master crafted Bolt pistol and Plasma pistol, Frag and Krak grenades, C'tan Knife.
Independent Character, Deep Strike, Eternal Warrior, Hit&Run, Fleet.
C'tan Knife
Melee weapon, bearer's S, AP 3, Instant Death"

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Форж, фотошоп и гугл

10:25 KREM 0 Comments

Фото из новой книги Форжи

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Плач о переливках

10:21 KREM 0 Comments

Лазил с утра в Сети и наткнулся на следующий пост:
Фото переливки двери...
...и щитов. Ну норм, че?

Two of my winning bids on Ebay arrived today, one for rhino doors, and the other for storm shields. Both orders appear to be fakes. A couple of things make me think this. First, the resin is more brittle than other FW models I have. (I have a lot of FW, so I have seen everything!) Second, the pieces are oily, and have muted detail and lack of density. Although muted, the detail is better than what I have gotten on my own castings of my bases, so it would seem this is from some pseudo professional service. Now I don't know for certain that these are forgeries, but they are off just enough for me to doubt them.

Had I suspected these were forgeries, I would not have bought them. I've been avoiding purchasing any FW stuff from any seller in Russia for this reason. The other thing that made these seem real was that the prices were good but not awesome.
So what do I do now? Should I dump these? Should I mail them off to FW, so they can be reviewed? I could just paint them up.
Any suggestions?
Сегодня прибыли обе выигрышные ставки с Е-бея: одна - двери от рины, вторая - штормовые щиты. Обе, по всей видимости, подделки. У меня есть причины так думать. Во-первых, смола более хрупкая, чем другие модели FW, которые у меня есть. (У меня есть много FW, так что я много повидал!) Во-вторых, детали в масле, рельеф смазан и сами детали менее плотные. Несмотря на сглаженный рельеф, детали лучше, чем то, что получалось у меня, когда я переливал себе базы, так что, кажется, это псевдо профессиональная отливка. Я не уверен - подделка ли это, но я в них сильно сомневаюсь.

Если бы я подозревал, это были подделки, я бы не купил их. Я избегаю покупок FW товаров от Российских продавцов именно по этой причине. С другой стороны,цены на них были низкими, но не очень.
Так что же мне теперь делать? Просто спустить это? Должен ли я написать в FW? Я мог бы просто покрасить их.

 Забавно наблюдать за внутренними метаниями. Кто б у нас вздумал написать в Форж, а не бросился покупать перелив)

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