Слухи: Dark Angels leak

13:05 KREM 0 Comments

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Слухи: Dark Angels

15:45 KREM 0 Comments

via jullevi over on Warseer
Company veterans (4+1 models, with up to 5 additional)Any model: ChainswordUp to three models: Storm bolter, Combi-weapon, Power weapon, Lightning claw, Plasma pistol, Power fist or Pair of lightning clawsAny model: Combat shield, Melta bombs, Storm shieldOne in every 5 models: Flamer, Melta gun, Plasma gunOne model: Heavy bolter, Multi-melta, Missile launcher, Plasma cannon or LascannonDedicated transport: Drop Pod, Rhino or Razorback

via Faeit 212 from a source that wants to remain anonymous
Something that was missed for veterans above and some more Dreadnought options

VeteransCan take flakk missiles
Dreadnought (elite choice)Can take a drop podCan replace its multi-melta withTwin-linked AutocannonTwin-linked FlamerTwin-linked Heavy BolterPlasma CannonAssualt CannonLascannonCan replace its other arm withMissile LauncherTwin-linked AutocannonCan replace the built in storm bolter with a heavy flamerCan be upgraded to Venerable and if does it gets the special rule,Deathwing Vehicle

via Dr. Who over on Warseer
On Deathwing Terminators (Elite):A little more expensive (not much) than your average Astartes version but you get Deathwing Assault, Splitfire USR, Inner Circle and Vengeful Strike special rules thrown in to the bargain. You can pretty much customize the squad anyway you like. They start out as a standard tactical squad but you can upgrade any number of them to assault terminators with either a pair of lightning claws (free) or the omnipresent thunderhammer and storm shield combo (you must pay for that privilege). For every 5 models (you can have a max of 10) you get the option of a heavy flamer, plasma cannon, assault cannon or cyclone missile launcher (no flakk option). You can also have the usual dedicated Land Raider but if you do, then you must pay for the Deathwing Vehicle upgrade which is mandatory.
If there is an option to make them a troop choice, it resides within the character section.
On Deathwing Knights (Elite):Again a little more expensive than normal Deathwing Terminators (still not much). They have +1 WS, Maces of Absolution and Storm Shields as standard except the Knights Master. He has the Flail of the Unforgiven instead of the mace, and as far as I can make out, also +1 attack (don't quote me on that one). They also have a king's ransom of special rules: Deathwing Assualt, Hammer of Wrath, Inner Circle, Fortress of Shields and You Cannot Hide. The last two were a little hard to make out, so I'm 100% sure on those. The Smite rule is not mentioned by name but I think it is part of the weapon special rules. They can also be given a '... Relic of the Unforgiven' (the '...' part I cannot decipher) and a Land Raider which must have the Deathwing vehicle upgrade as well.
On Dreadnoughts (Elite):Now cheaper! Same price as the Chaos Helbrute but with a free Storm Bolter! Same options as the Astartes version - including the Rifleman option but the Dreadnought close combat weapon has been replaced with a powerfist. The Venerable Dreadnought is now an upgrade. I don't have my books but I think it is a lot cheaper than before (still hard to make out, but it looks like the price of a powerfist). The Venerable also get the Deathwing Vehicle rule as standard it seems. No mention of Mortis options.
On Landspeeders:Their Bestiary page is also in the WD. The Vengeance version has a heavy bolter and a Plasma Storm battery as standard. Otherwise it is you standard Land Speeder. The Ravenwing Darkshroud version is a Land Speeder with a heavy bolter and it has the Scout USR apparantly. It also has (or has the option for) the 'Icon of Old Caliban' which gives +1 to friendly units within 12" when determining assualt results (not cumulative). The Darkshroud special rule gives the Land Speeder the Shrouded USR and friendly units within 6" gain the Stealth USR (not cumulative, does not affect the Darkshroud itself).

The codex is mentioned as being 104 pages long.

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Слухи: новинки Horus Heresy

23:09 KREM 0 Comments

via Stickmonkey:

I posted this in the project logs in response to some discussion there, but I'll just drop this here as well:
Still to come from Betrayal:
Legion specific characters, aka Abaddon, Garviel, Crysos, etc... 
At last count I believe there are 8 or 9 in the works...
Legion specific units, aka DeathShroud, ravages, etc.
I believe there are still 3 to be released
Legion badged contemptors for Sons of Horus and Emporer's Children
Mecanicum HQ
Mecanicum units, I believe there are 2 to be released
Heresy era Vindicator

Heresy era Land Speeders Mk II/III special weapons kit
Rotor cannon kit (there are iirc 4 or 5 kits due that contain 5 weapons and an augury)
Destroyer squad upgrade kit
Rapier platform kits, there are iirc 2 more rapier platform kits coming
Praetor kit in tartaros armor

Centurion kits (there are 2 more 2 packs I'm aware of, but I believe there may be more coming. I think the moritat and Forgelord are up soon, next in line for the centurion releases that is, not next as in tomorrow).
And I think vigilant and chaplain are the other set.
For tomorrow, I'm expecting the Mk II special weapons kit similar to last weeks Mk IV set. This has some identical bits, Mk ll assault arms, the older style hand flamers with the funnel barrels and a load of other weapons and bits.
And I believe it's tomorrow the death shroud are up for pre-order.Next week I am expecting something big...And another Primarch is supposed to be unveiled in Jan...Cheers

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Dark Angels: концепты

15:28 KREM 0 Comments

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Space Marines Rhino: часть 1

13:55 KREM 0 Comments

Rhino — былинно надежный и неплохо бронированный БТР спейсмаринов и сестрёнок. В оригинале безвредный, возит бравых морпехов/гарных дивчин всюду, куда пролезет. 

    Сегодня речь пойдет о БТРе Космического десанта – Rhino. Эта скромная машина стала настоящим символом "Сорокотысячника" и спейсмаров. Ей посвящены десятки артов, она засветилась во множестве игр. Почему Rhino так популярен и как он появился на свет?
наш герой - старичок Rhino
    Немного техничиской информации: Rhino основан на Standard Template Construct под названием «Гусеничная Разведывательная и Многоцелевая Защитная машина» (англ. RH1-N-0 Tracked Exploration and Multi-Pupose Defence Venicle), разработанным еще в Темную Эру Технологий. Экипаж — 1 водитель. Стандартное вооружение — 1 штурмболтер...

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Слухи: Black templars

16:55 KREM 0 Comments

Faeit пишет: 
The Black Templar have been rumored to being written a couple of times, and have even had unit specific rumors attached to them quite a long time ago. Most of that is forgotten now, and attributed to false rumors.According to the latest lineups for the next year, they are not even supposed to be released in 2013. However, even a hint that they might be moving forward, is good news for those that follow the Black Templar.This morning we have rumors that the Black Templar are just getting going. The codex design process is just getting started.Please remember that these are rumors.via John from the Faeit 212 inboxI can tell you that at this stage the black Templars are being written but no definite release is planned.they are still writing it with plans to start playtesting in about 2-3 months.nothing yet about new units yet but I can expect more info on them in about 2 months.

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Черные Храмовники: Крестовые походы и иконография

23:21 KREM 0 Comments

«Я увидел сцену бойни, мёртвые лежали на земле, словно опавшие листья в лесу. Поселенцы погибли не как гибнут солдаты в горячке боя, смело ведя огонь по противнику, с оружием в руках и отвечая на удар ударом. Они погибли, как и положено беспомощным, их сердца заполнял тот ужас, что хуже смерти» — из расследования инквизитора Барзано касательно крестового похода в Гаронскую туманность.

     За десять тысяч лет своего крестового похода Чёрные Храмовники принимали участие в некоторых из важнейших войн, охватывавших Империю. Их высшие маршалы следовали примеру своего основателя, Сигизмунда, и нападали на империи чужаков, еретиков и колдунов. Чёрные Храмовники — крестоносцы, святые воители, ведущие бой за принесение незавоёванным планетам Галактики истины и света Императора, обращающие людей мечом властелина человечества и уничтожающие тех, кто отказывается принять Его правление. Каждый крестовый поход направляется волей командующего маршала и каждый начинается по указу высшего маршала Чёрных Храмовников для исполнения их главной задачи — очистить звёзды...

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Релиз: Dark Angels

09:29 KREM 0 Comments

Обложка карлика
кавер кодекса - почти книжный. 
другое дело! тюнинг стандартного талона доставляет
люлька копта-стайл не доставляет
кому нудны эти байки при наличии стартера?
Белиал до жути статичен. и без щита
еах! куплю

Иезекиль. Асмодай. ну такое....
новые терми. командник. буду брать
самое вкусное: рыцари внутреннего круга
New Dark Angels
Belial 15£ 22,25$ 22,25€
Asmodai 11£ 19,25$ 15,50€
Ravenwing Dark Talon 45£ 75$ 60€
The new Ravenwing Battleforce 70£ 110$ 90€
Ravenwing Command Squad 30£ 50$ 40€
Deathwing Command Squad/knights/normal 35£ 50$ 45€
Ravenwing land Speed Vengeance 40£ 65$ 50€

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