GW ликвидирует утечки

07:58 KREM 0 Comments

новая политика ГВ 
         ГВ ВНЕЗАПНО решило изменить политику относительно слухов и новинок. Все привыкли к тому, что периодически в сеть сливают дельные слухи, картинки и даже страницы кодексов и армибуков (а иногда и сами книжки). Теперь все будет не так.
        Всех менеджеров обрали и выписали люлей за головотяпство и болтовню:

via brossateAround 100 GW Managers are at a gathering and were required to sign a nondisclosure agreement. I've been told that this is a first.
If a manager leaks any information they are subject to termination. It was a very straight forward message and there was no discussion.
The meeting was in Minneapolis.
       Похожие вести поступают и из других источников:

Just got sent this by the manager of one of the local LGS's
From August 17th, Games Workshop are changing their trade terms. This will effect the way that New Release information will be handled. After August 17th, any shop selling White Dwarf or any New release item before the release date, discussing New Release information or posting images on Facebook, forums etc before release date will be punished by not being allowed to stock New Releases for 6 months!
Efforts are currently underway to provide retailers with product the day before the actual release, to allow them time to prepare. In some cases, product is released earlier than that. Stores caught releasing information or products early (whether for sale or not) will not be "cut off," but instead will get their product on the next shipping date (typically one week) after it's official release.
      Все новинки только через Вайт дварф и раздел новых релизов на офсайте... а ведь было время, когда ГВ само вешало сникпики грядущих новинок. Ритейлерам выслали вот такое письмо: 

       Радует другое – шило в мешке не утаишь, и потрепаться про ваху все любят. Например Фил Келли подтвердил, что у БТ будет свой отдельный кодекс:

From the mouth of Phil Kelly at Games Day.
ME: Will the Black Templars get their own codex or will they be rolled into CSM?
PK: They will be getting their own codex however I cannot comment on when.

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