Новости: релиз "Апокалипсиса 2.0", новый дизайн Forgeworld

10:37 KREM 0 Comments

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Aquila Strongpoint with Macrocannon. Возьму один.
Aquila Strongpoint with Missile Silo

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Слухи: Space Marines. Вторая компиляция

09:59 KREM 0 Comments

via an anonymous source (reliable source)
Like we discussed many many months ago the Space Marine special character changes to Combat Tactics still exist, but are also now available for purchase as an upgrade to a generic HQ allowing you to play Ravenguard without Shrike, or Salamanders without Vulkan. 
The special characters usually also include some other more specific army-wide changes included in the replacement of Combat Tactics to make them still desirable, as they represent a specific company, within a different chapter, etc.Space marines will be getting 2 supplement codexes though by the end of 2013 
Lastly, Ultramarines are not the focus of the Space Marine book any more.  Instead the pages describe the book representing any of the second founding chapters, and many of the founding as well who converted to following the Codex Astartes. 
Outside of the over-abundance of Ultramarine special characters it's not "their book" anymore, which means it leaves things open for them getting a dedicated supplement as well.  If anyone rages about this being a cash grab and not just creative room to give Ultramarines the attention they deserve the same as any other Chapter, you're wrong.

via an anonymous source from the Faeit 212 inbox (very reliable source)
This is part one of a conversation, and I simply split the subjects up so that things would not get missed due to its length, while keeping all the details and integrity. So first off we are going to talk about codex supplements, next up.... the Space Marine codex.As I told you about a year ago, there are going to be more supplements for pretty much all the codexes, even Chaos Space Marines and Tau: though no work has really been done on the latter. 
There is not going to be another Eldar one in 2013.White Scars is one of the supplement codexes, and it is also complete (borderline printed) so logic dictates it'll be released a few weeks after the SM codex, but I don't have a street date for you. 
Space marines will be getting 2 supplement codexes though by the end of 2013, so again... chances are white scars will be one of them.For the Blood Angels and Space Wolves players, fear not you will be getting full codex support and not just supplements.  Read between those lines.

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Слухи: Apocalypse 2013 2

09:54 KREM 0 Comments

Гигантский кейс


Tessaract Vault
via Faeit from natfka.blogspot.com:
I have two more formations that I have been told about, so I thought I would share. Chaos Space Marines are getting the Lost and Damned, while Orks will be seeing something called the Dread Mob.
These are but a drop in the bucket, as the Apocalypse book is 296 pages long, with over 100 formations in it.
Please remember that these are still considered rumors until we get something official
Dread Mob (Orks)
Consists of at least two Ork Deff Dreads, and 6 Killa Cans. Some Randomness involved as the formation can give the group extra bonus's to close combat, shooting, give it a kustom force field, and sometimes combine the effects
The Lost and the Damned (Chaos Space Marines)
It infiltrates, ignores pain, massive bonus's to assault, and destroyed units within the formation can be brought back to fight some more. 6 units of 10 cultists and a Dark Apostle make up this formation.

I have been told of a couple formations, so I thought I would hit a couple of them. Here are two, one for Grey Knights called A Grey Knight Extermination Force, and one for Eldar, Wraithknight Dreamwalker squad.
Please remember that these are rumors until we get official information
Grey Knight Extermination Force
Consists of 3 Stormravens and a Dreadknight
The Dreadknight marks the target, and the Stormravens automatically hit it
Wraithknight Dreamwalker Squad
Consists of 3 Wraithknights or More?
They become energized by the more Wraithknights in the formation, becoming more accurate with shooting and in close combat, also increases to movement and charging.
Imperial Targeting Templates includes
Apocalyptic Mega Blast Template 15"
New Barrage Template
Hellstorm Template
comes in a box

Temporary Items
Bombardment Dice Cube
125 dice
1's have an Adeptus Mechanicus Symbol on them
only available until sold out 
Strategic Asset Cards
63 black reference cards
comes in an acrylic box
only available until sold out 
Vortex Grenade Template
Looks similar to the old one (half dome and blue), but has a new design
only available until sold out 
Vengeance Weapons Battery $50
-The box comes with two Vengeance Weapons Batteries. Each can be armed with either a Punisher Gatling Cannon or a Battle Cannon
-The rules for both Apocalypse and Warhammer 40k are included in the box 
Firestorm Redoubt $65
-Large fortification that has a pair of Quad-Linked Icarus Lascanons
-The rules for both Apocalypse and Warhammer 40k are included in the box
Aquila Strongpoint $115
-Has two options: Macro-Cannon or Vortex Missile
-Macro Cannon fire at a long range with an enormous blast radius. Can even target flyers.
-Vortex Missile comes with 7 Vortex Missles, which are bigger versions of a Vortex Grenade, but with infinite range
-The rules for both Apocalypse and Warhammer 40k are included in the box

WARHAMMER 40000: APOCALYPSE (ENGLISH) Other Book 29-Jun-13 13-Jul-13 RTD $90.00 $74.25
IMPERIAL TARGETING TEMPLATES Hobby Product 29-Jun-13 13-Jul-13 RTD $30.00 $25.00
KHORNE LORD OF SKULLS Plastic Box 29-Jun-13 13-Jul-13 RTD $190.00 $160.00
IMPERIAL GUARD BANEBLADE Plastic Box 29-Jun-13 13-Jul-13 RTD $170.00 $140.00
NECRON TESSERACT VAULT Plastic Box 29-Jun-13 13-Jul-13 RTD $190.00 $160.00
WALL OF MARTYRS: VENGEANCE WEAPON BATTERY Plastic Box 29-Jun-13 13-Jul-13 RTD $60.00 $50.00
WALL OF MARTYRS: FIRESTORM REDOUBT Plastic Box 29-Jun-13 13-Jul-13 RTD $80.00 $65.00
WALL OF MARTYRS: AQUILA STRONGPOINT Plastic Box 29-Jun-13 13-Jul-13 RTD $140.00 $115.00
SPACE MARINE CPTN: MASTER OF THE MARCHES Finecast Clam 29-Jun-13 13-Jul-13 RTD Splash $30.00 $22.25
SPACE MARINE CAPTAIN:MASTER OF THE RITES Finecast Clam 29-Jun-13 13-Jul-13 RTD Splash $30.00 $22.25
SPACE MARINE CAPTAIN: MASTER OF RELICS Finecast Clam 29-Jun-13 13-Jul-13 RTD Splash $30.00 $22.25
SPACE MARINE CAPTAIN: LORD EXECUTIONER Finecast Clam 29-Jun-13 13-Jul-13 RTD Splash $30.00 $22.25
APOCALYPSE STRATEGIC ASSET CARDS (ENG) Hobby Product 29-Jun-13 13-Jul-13 RTD Limited $16.00 $15.00
BOMBARDMENT DICE CUBE Hobby Product 29-Jun-13 13-Jul-13 RTD Limited $36.00 $30.00
VORTEX GRENADE TEMPLATE Hobby Product 29-Jun-13 13-Jul-13 RTD Limited $16.00 $15.00
WH40K: APOCALYPSE - COLLECTORS EDITION Other Book 29-Jun-13 13-Jul-13 D Limited $300.00 $250.00
WH40K: APOCALYPSE - GAMER'S EDITION 29-Jun-13 13-Jul-13 D Limited $300.00 $250.00

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Слухи: Apocalypse 2013

11:41 KREM 0 Comments

via an anonymous source via the Faeit 212 inbox (reliable source)
Not every race is getting a super-heavy, just access to them via Allies.  The focus on apocalypse is new scenery and fortifications, with their own rules, that are legal for games of 40k and planetstrike as centerpieces and objectives.  Expect a lot more racially specific fortifications as well as more "imperial/generic" stuff in 2014 Q2.

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Слухи: Space Marines. Первая компиляция

12:20 KREM 0 Comments

via 75hastings69  on Warseer
SM are coming, just not in June.
Release Order, Tau, Eldar, Space Marines

via Anonymous Source on Faeit 212
just been informed we should be looking at WHFB high elves next month, followed by Eldar the month after and Apoc the month after that. 

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Новая MMORPG по 40k

09:45 KREM 0 Comments

Behaviour Interactive and Games Workshop® proudly announce a new online game in theWarhammer® 40,000® universe: 

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Новая кампания. Правила на Genestealer Cults и Deathwatch Rules

22:37 KREM 0 Comments

В правилах новой кампании засветились правила на Генестилеров и Десвоч. Ждем новых саплайментов?
Warhammer World is continuing its campaign event Vidar's Fate on June 22-23rd in Nottingham. There are several interesting things about this campaign, and that is first of all that armies can be chosen from any codex or Imperial Armour book or 40k approved units. The second of course is there are rules in the campaign for Genestealer Hyrbrids and Deathwatch units (called "Imperius Reavers Alien Hunters")
Could these be in the future for 40k? Of course we all hope something could be in the works, so lets take a look at what is being presented for the rules of these units.
Genestealer Hybrids
WS4 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A2 Ldr 8 Sv 5+
comes mostly with autoguns and heavy stubber options
WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W2 I5 A2 Ldr8 Sv5+
the magus is a level 2 psyker that gets the powers dominate and puppet master automatically
The Imperius Reaver Alien Hunters (Deathwatch) are very much standard marine stats, with a gun called a Hypnoth pattern bolter which comes with can fire standard rounds, or a Hypnoth round S3 Ap- 18" Assault 1 blast.
Правила кампании тут

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Грядет апокалипсис

22:29 KREM 0 Comments

Следующий релиз по 40к будет новым расширением, вернее переизданием старого расширения...

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