Грядет апокалипсис

22:29 KREM 0 Comments

Следующий релиз по 40к будет новым расширением, вернее переизданием старого расширения...

This is a long time coming and keeps up with the heavy schedule of releases that Games Workshop has kept up for us. Apocalypse hopefully will be coming with a number of model releases, that will scale up our games to the massive level that Apocalypse games are so well known for.
We know because of the early White Dwarf leaks that the supplement will be released on July 6th, exactly one month from now. So get ready, this is going to be a big release.
Please remember that these are rumors, so salt is always required.
via anonymous source (from the Faeit 212 inbox)
the Apocalypse release will be three books
-The Standard Book Edition will be 60,00€ Обычная книжка
-There will also be a Collectors edition, but no price as of yet Коллекционное издание (опять обложка с накаткой?)
-A Big Gamers Edition for  200,00€ (Something very big in it) Видимо, книга+модель
Новый мега-монолит
Обложка грядущего ВД
Компиляция слухов:
New Apocalypse slated for July 2013 - релиз в Июле
Rumored models are:
A large Imperial Walker, (smaller than a warhound titan) - паладин?
Possible Chaos Variant (might have been mistaken for the Lord of Battles) - обложка ВД
Missing plastic models known to be created but possibly held back for the Apocalypse release:
-Eldar Bomber
-Eldar "large hover tank"
-IG Hydra
-IG Medusa/Colossus
-Tyranid Harpy
A Chaos Khorne Lord of Battles:
-A large chaos vehicle from EPIC with a large tracked body, and a giant mechanical torso of a warrior of khorne. One hand holds a colossal chain axe, the other is a large gatling barrelled weapon. A gigantic daemon engine on par with a scout titan.
A large flying Necron "Megalith"
-An oversized Monolith shaped vehicle on a flying stand that can "open up" into its four corners, with internal attachments to reveal a central spherical set of internal machinery.
It's a dual kit approx size of baneblade box, but taller model. Makes either the Deathdealer or Lord of Battles.
Also there's a bunch of new data sheets, inlcuding some for those of us that bought multiple NEW models
It's also NOT the only Chaos models coming out, along with a few other Khorne...speedy guys...
Approx price is $125

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