Слухи: Black Templars, Orks, Sisters of Battle

10:23 KREM 0 Comments

via a Faeit 212
One thing that is sure to strike up some hype, is that I have some rumors on the Black Templar, that they are indeed on the way. This is the first I have heard of it, and it breaks the mold of our release order that we have been following and at first glance will appear to be out of place. So when you read this, please take into consideration that I have much more coming regarding the release schedule and how its evolved this week.
Now apocalypse is released there are 2 major upcoming armies
-Orks (around October)
-Black Templar (around December)

This is to represent the third war for armageddon
Now the rumor says around these months. There is a lot of room there, as it could mean pre-orders, or release dates. December is always an odd month out. The key here is that releases could be featured around famous battles and adversarial armies. This could tie in future Warzone (apocalypse) releases, and codex supplements to each other. Could Games Workshop be designing their releases to fit with the Warhammer 40k background? (my mind was just blown) 
What has me excited about this type of information, is the tie ins. Armageddon being released with the Apocalypse book, could very easily tie into future codex and supplement releases. My background is Architecture, so when I see good game design, release schedules, and even what is being released all tied in and logical, I get all warm inside. 
For years, codex releases have seemed all but random, more on what was out of date or needed an updated rule set. With 6th edition things have started to change. Chaos Space Marines and Dark Angels have a sinister and secret history that just was not capitalized enough with the releases. However, this was possibly the starting point for something grander. An undercurrent that had just not yet come to realization or fruition.  
I am hoping that this is something we start to see in the future. There are just so many great crusades and campaigns that could be used to launch product, and set the mood of the game. If Armageddon is used as a tie in, and Orks and Black Templar (featured heavily in the campaign) are released subsequently, I can see the future. 
The Space Marine codex is still thought to be the next codex coming, and it will be here very soon. In the same month as we get the codex, the White Scars are rumored to get their codex supplement. So what then? Well, an excellent source is chiming in to show us the future of the Space Marines, and wow is it going to be huge. 
Below our source is talking about points we have been discussing this weekend, with releases being timed with adversarial releases, like Tyranids alongside an Ultramarine supplement. This is something I truly look forward to, and for me especially, pushes my excitement for how well GW is stepping up their game.
Please remember that these are rumors. This is also only the Space Marine part of the conversation, and I will release a second part here soon, which involves the Farsight Enclave and how supplements are being worked on, once I make sure I have the information correct. (just asking for a small clarification so I am not getting it wrong)
Please remember that these are rumors 
via an anonymous (and solid) source on Faeit 212
As currently planned, the Ravenguard supplement will be after the 6th edition space marine book (which will be soon) and will coincide with forgeworld's HH Book 3, Massacre pt 2.
The Space Marine chapter supplements will offer a fair amount of divergence (much more than Iyanden), while still staying true to the space marine core book.
In the coming months though we are going to be smothered (pleasantly) in space marine goodies, with every other or every third month releasing a space marine supplement, after the main book comes out.
These releases will be paired with alongside a Xenos they were famous for fighting.
i.e. Tyranids book month A, Ultramarine Supplement month B.  Ork codex month C, Crimson Fist supplement month D, etc. (this is not an accurate release schedule, just to illustrate my point)
This will let GW belt out the non SM codexes, without harming their SM backbone.
This adversaries idea will also apply to non SM supplements being released alongside/after Imperial launches as well.
This concept, which is one that is well known inside GW (Xeno followed by SM Supplement), lends a little bit of legitimacy to your rumor about Orks followed by BTs.  But with BT not being a Supplement and instead getting their own book, it somewhat breaks the mold.

via Mauler from the Faeit 212 inbox
Keep up the good work, mate!  I was at the Enter The Citadel event yesterday.
Just got home from this event and it was pretty damn good. Got to chat with Jes Goodwin, Jervis Johnson, Phil Kelly, Kevin Chin &; several other BL &; FW guys. Sat in on their Designing Apocalypse & Warhammer Feedback sessions where they talked about the subject and we got to field questions to them afterwards.
Some blitherings:
Apoc is seen by the GW studio as a toolkit for massive games rather than a rigid framework, leaning towards making big games easier to organise and play rather than sticking to the background setting. The Allies matrix in the 40k rulebook with "Come the Apocalypse" is the truth; in Apoc you can ally with whichever faction you like. Formations are in there to give players a direction to go for with their collection: if you've got two Predators, pick up the Apoc book and are unsure about what models to get next (I'm paraphrasing here and I didn't pick up the Apoc book myself today) then leafing through the Imperial formations you can pick up one more Predator and get bonus rules for the 3x Predator formation, whatever it's called.
Formations don't have points values as they're not units in the same vein as the core rulebook &; codices, they're mainly there to provide bonus rules if you have groups of specific models and make things more interesting. The guys got the point across that if you don't like a particular rule you can just leave it out; if you don't need a particular tool in your toolkit you're not obliged to use it. Master Of Disaster which originally had a Viking helmet to pass around each turn to identify the Master) is wrecking massive chunks of table? Don't use it. Finest Hour? Optional. It's all there to be used as we see fit, it's even less of a tourney focused expansion and is basically a guide on arranging and playing oversize games with mates.
War Zone books for Apoc will be more like mini-Imperial Armour books than supplements and will include new scenarios, unit datasheets, rules & historic background, orders of battle and timeline maps. The studio will use them to pick significant battles from the history of 40k (like the Battles For Armageddon) and flesh them out in detail along with rulesets for players to enact them.
SISTERS OF BATTLE/BLACK TEMPLARS will get attention and are not in line to be dropped at this time. I spoke to Jervis Johnson and asked him myself and he said "Every army is getting worked on and will be updated in time." But obviously in true GW fashion he couldn't say when or if it would be via codex or supp. Personally I believe codices will be used when I consider what a supplement is for, but that's just me. 
I was talking to Jes Goodwin about how much I love the design of Wraithguard & Wraithblades when he actually beat me to the next thing I was about to ask "Are you about to ask about those jetbike models like the last guys did?" Ha. Apparently Jes was given a choice to make: either go with new Wraithguard/Blades into production OR the new jetbike model. Jes thought that the Wraiths brought more options to the table and were more valuable as a brand new unit choice, while the jetbikes already have an existing model and didn't bring anything new. As much as I'm sick of the current jetbike model I do think that Jes made the right call. 
Also Eldar related: I asked Jes about another artbook of his Eldar work and he replied that he had enough material to fill a book each for DE &; CE (and based on the three folders that he had with him alone I believe him) and it has been discussed but ultimately it is down to the Black Library to make this happen. I then wandered off to find the BL stand and accosted them, demanding to know where these books were. The chap was pretty open about it and said that the publishing arm of GW had formed two new units to work with the normal BL staff; GW Digital &; BL Direct. The Digital arm are getting into gear with digital online publishing, hence the emergence of codices outside of iTunes, and the Direct team will be handling specialist work such as art books, extremely limited runs, collector's editions, stuff like that. I'll be speaking to the guy soon to get more info as he said that he'll speak to some people about it so there is hope yet. 
Jervis and Phil were interested in what people wanted, a focus on codices or supplements as the same guys do work on both. The was one chap who gave them a "I don't care about new codices, I just want more interesting ways of using my forces" case for supplements but that smacked of "I'm alright so sod those poor guys with old books" and he seemed, thankfully, to be the minority. Like the Popular Front Of Judea, if you know what I'm talking about. I got the impression that GW are sticking to the current monthly releases so supplement work shouldn't stop 40k codices from being released but may impact their release order depending on who is working on what and when. 
All in all it was a pretty good day. I'll update with more if anything comes to mind and if anyone else who was there has anything to add then please feel free
Also saw a few 'Cron Tesserract Arks. When they're open they are MASSIVE. Like a foot square at least. Mad.

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