Слухи: Space Marines 2

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via DakkaDakka's Herr Dexter
RULES/BOOKS- Codex: Space Marines with a very nice picture of badass looking Space Marine (probably best C:SM cover so far)- confirmed the 7 limited versions- none showed in WD, all mentioned obviously as mail-order only- Apocalypse Warzone:Damnos will also be released (unsure if it’s digital only or not) – Damnos (see the BL book “Fall of Damnos” – basicly Necrons vs. Ultramarines)

NEW PLASTIC KITSSpace Marine Captain & Space Marine Librarian (2 separate clam-packs)- not to confuse with multi-part customisable Space Marines Commander set which should stay around- those are like Cadre Fireblade, Aspiring Champion etc… 1 pose, plastic- Captain has Cato Sicarius-like helmet and lots of bling, has a very similar pose to Captain from AOBR, Power Sword and Combi-Grav- Librarian has beard (a lot of SM beards + bald heads in this release) and a skull-cap thingy wihich makes him look a bit like… Merlin- Librarian also has a power staff (or whatever you call that) held horizontally, and one ugly cherub-like servitor cupid (creepy stuff)

Reclusiam Command Squad- contains the mentioned SM Command Squad (don’t see any changes here), a plastic Chaplain and… Razorback – all for 55£- this definetly isn’t the prettiest Chaplain model out there but it has some nice bitz, nice big skully Crozius and 2 heads – one bald with Kano-like face implant and the other is a skull helmet (looks a bit iffy)- he also has purity seals with massive ribbons/parchments blown by the wind

Sternguard Veterans- all the best elements fromt heir old metal versions, long loincloths, tons of bling, ornaments on helmets and armor, seems to have lot of bitz- finally we get plastic versions of combi-weapons, all seem to be here including the new Combi-Grav- nice new plastic Heavy Flamer and Heavy Bolter (version with drum-mag)- badass heads and poses (yap, another bald head with beard)- sergeant has a “Roman-mohawk” on his helmet (not the Sicarius one, other way around)- 5 models in box

Vanguard Veterans- slightly less bling then their on-foot veteran brothers- nice ornaments on chainswords and power sword (relic/master-crafted versions?)- mohawk head for sarge (like Lord Executioner, perhaps it’s a trend for jump-packers?)- some nice aquila markings on jump packs- awesome power-sword / relic blade- 5 models in box

(NEW) Tactical Squad- 10 models, price increased slightly- not many changes here, will nicely mix with bits from old kit- major addition is more head variants and new Grav-Gun and Grav-Pistol- some new ornaments on backpacks and shoulder pads (not all, just few bits to make some difference among marines)- interesting bits: Auspex is back! (but DA heralded that already), set of bolter/arms during reload (looks cool), badass Combi-Flamer, nice new (smaller) Power Fist
Stalker / Hunter- the rumored dual-kit AA tank- lots of new parts, side armor is massive and has some kind of pistons that seem to be pinning it to the ground- front plate is also different from other vehicles on Rhino-chassis: Stalker / Hunter has one that looks a bit Heresy-era with a “bumper” that looks similarly to the one Landspeeder has (that belt-of-cubes bumper thing)
- Stalker is the one with dual 3-barrel autocannon-like guns, it also has a nice radar dish, really badass look- it’s described as rapid-firing AA (guess it’s SM version of IG Hydra)- now here’s big thing: it’s not twin-link! those are TWO SEPARATE guns that are mentioned to be able to shoot at TWO SEPARATE targets
- Hunter is the one that looks like that vintage SM Hunter tank – one massive AA turret barrel- shoots “Skyspear Rockets” but no details on special rules here

Centurion Devastator Squad / Centurion Assault Squad- the “Big Suits” everyone is talking about, apparently they are this release’s big spotlight- Devastators are Heavy Support (duh!) and Assaults are… Fast Attack (what did you expect?)- come in plastic kits, 3 models per box- they really look like if the exoskelton is worn ON the Power Armour – their heads look super tiny- they all seem to have same weapon in each hand and something mounted on the chest- the Devastator options displayed contained Lascannons and Heavy Bolters- the Assault options were Breaching Drills (like that arm FW’s Siege Dread has) with Stormbolters(?) attached, no other arm option shown- the “chest weapon” apparently gave us choice of : frag lanuchers, mini-hurricane bolter (?!) and some rockets (chest mounted Typhoon ML?)

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