Слухи: Статы примархов

09:42 KREM 0 Comments

Новые слухи о примархах из блога Дарога:

Fulgrim the Illuminator - 380 points
WS 8
BS 6
S 6
T 6
W 6
I 8
A 5
Ld 10
Sv 2+
Unit Type: Infantry (Character)
Unit Character: 1 (Unique)
The Gilded Panoply
2+ Armour, 5+ Invun (this increases to 3+ in combat)
Should Fulgrim pass an Armour or Invun save on a 6, the unit that inflicted the wound must pass an initiative test or be Blinded

The Blade of the Laer
Str - As User AP 2 Type: Melee, Rending, Specialist Weapon, Two Handed
Fire Brand
Master Crafted Volkite Charger which also has Shred
Krak and Plasma Grenades
Special Rules:
Sire of the Emperor's Children
Fulgrim has Crusader, and must always issue and accept challenges if there is someone in combat with WS 5 or higher
Whilst Fulgrim is on the board, all units with Legiones Astartes (Emperor's Children) gain +2 to combat res, and reserve rolls may be re-rolled
Sublime Swordsman
His invun is increased to 3+
He gains more attacks equal to how much his Initiative is better than his opponents
Strategic Planning
A single Warlord Trait from any table may be CHOSEN for Fulgrim

Mortarion the Reaper - 425 points
WS 7
BS 5
S 6
T 7
W 7
I 5
A 5
Ld 10
Sv 2+
Unit Type: Infantry (Character)
Unit Character: 1 (Unique)
The Barberan Plate: 2+ Armour Save, 4+ Invun
Silence: Str +1 AP 2 Type: Melee, Instant Death, Sunder (may re-roll armour pen rolls), Unwieldy, Two Handed, Sweep Attack (may exchange all attacks to attack every model in base contact)
The Lantern: 18" Str 8 AP2 Type:Assault 1, Sunder
Frag Grenades
Phospex Bombs (unlimited) - his have a range of 12"
Special Rules
Sire of the Death Guard
All Death Guard have Stubborn
All of their Frag Grenades, Frag Missiles, and Havoc Launchers have Poisoned (4+)
Shadow of the Reaper
Leadership against Fear tests caused by Mortarion suffer a -1
If he isn't in combat or a vehicle in the player's shooting phase, Mortarion may redeploy him (not deep strike) by passing a Ld test
Must be within 10" of starting position, may not finish within 3" of an enemy
May not be placed in a vehicle, building, or impassable terrain
If he was part of a unit he leaves it (obviously)
He may declare charges after performing this move, but it counts as disordered
Preternatural Resilience
Mortarion re-rolls failed Toughness tests and "It Will Not Die!" rolls
Automatically passes any dangerous terrain
Any weapon that wounds on a flat dice roll (for example poison) will only hurt Mortarion on a 6
Witch Spite
Deny the Witch on a 4+
Very Bulky

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Слухи: Темные ангелы

09:25 KREM 0 Comments

Новая пачка слухов о Темных Ангелах:

via ever-trusty Stickmonkey 
Belial - not needed for deathwing
Sammael - not needed for ravenwing
Barakiel - named Techmarine/Master of the Forge! Note: Barakiel is known as Angel of Lightning in references
Sabrael - Guardian of the Inner Circle, gives bonus to Inner Circle unit
Company Master TA option
Interrogator Chaplain 
Chaplains (x3 can function independently like sanguinary priests in BA, or form a unit w special rules). Only characters if independent.
Inner Circle unit ( name is not known) tasked with hunting down one enemy unit, special rules for doing so. Can death wing assault, can assault on deep strike. But glass cannon, great in assault, but standard PA so will be easily shot up.
Brother-interrogators - this unit wears chaplain style death masks, but are not chaplains, they are a specialist unit adept at near range combat, standard armament is dual bolt pistols and power maul. Can upgrade pistols.

Tactical squad
Ravenwing Bike squad not sure how it differs from ravenwing assault squad. 
Fast Attack:
Ravenwing assault squad
Ravenwing support squad
Assault marines
Ravenclaw air superiority fighter - шts bigger than the StormTalon, but the fuselage has a landspeeder style to it. I took it to mean squarish. The wings are supposedly fanned forward like an Aquila. And others have mentioned it would not take much to make this look like the chapter symbol, but I haven't heard anything on this.
Heavy Support:
Whirlwind w flakk options
Land Raider
Devastator w flakk options
Mystery Heavy Support - no info
Battle bunker  
Siege cannon ( this is supposedly the Techmarine cannon described earlier)
 И еще немного слухов о правилах:

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The Horus Heresy I часть 2

08:28 KREM 0 Comments

Еще немного фоток

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The Horus Heresy I

14:14 KREM 0 Comments

21 сентября будет релиз новой книги от форжи: The Horus Heresy Book One - Betrayal
На сайте ГВ еще 14 сентября был выложен ролик, анонсирующий это событие.
Сейчас же форжа в своем ньюслетере анонсировала новинки, которые будут представлены на новом дне игры.
Собственно книжка в хардковере

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Новые модели CSM

10:07 KREM 0 Comments

Обложка и ре-дизайн нового ВайДварфа
список новых релизов на немецком: книга, 4 новых героя ,
2 пехотных  отряда, флаер , техника и баттлфорс

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Обновление FAQ

07:55 KREM 0 Comments

ГВ выпустило новый пакет поправок и уточнений: ссылка

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Слухи: культисты

09:53 KREM 0 Comments

via Faeit 212 inbox (anonymous)
I over heard the store manager mention Cultist Boxes being released soon and priced between £18 and £20 about the same as Cadian Shock troops.
There are two changes between this version and the print copy, but they're not that big.
Oh, and cultists are getting a plastic box of 10 that comes with 10 sets of auto pistol / ccw arms, 10 autoguns, 2 shotguns, 1 heavy stubber, 1 flamer, 1 grenade launcher, 1 icon (with several top options), 1 power axe, 1 power maul and a bunch of bits to put here and there (such as frag grenades and trophies).  Only thing I didn't see was a power sword.
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