Новые модели CSM

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Обложка и ре-дизайн нового ВайДварфа
список новых релизов на немецком: книга, 4 новых героя ,
2 пехотных  отряда, флаер , техника и баттлфорс

Какие правила будут на новом Драконе?
Вин или фейл?  Дизайн спорный
Детали дизайна. Спорные

Вундерваффля первый вариант сборки, видимо антитанк
Вундерваффля второй вариант сборки, видимо антипех

Вундерваффля третий вариант сборки, видимо рукопашный
варп талоны
альтернативная сборка варп талонов - рапторы

варп талоны в естественной среде обитания

еще крупнее
новый герой - Хексер
может он колдун?
Темный апостол
Шикарность крупным планом
Хаосный Кузнец 
он же и массовка из чозенов
новые рукопашные обли
чемпион чозенов похожий не 

Новые-старые апгрейд паки

Фигура примарха Ангрона от ФВ!!!

via Warseer's BramGaunt: 
Dark Apostle, sorcerer, aspiring champion (new finecast): 15,50€
Warpsmith: 23€
Codex: 39€
Raptors/warp talons: 26€ (same as sanguinary guard)
Heldrake: 59€
Forgefiend/clawfiend: 52€
Mutilators: 41€ (3 finecast)
Obliterators and everything else thats metal goes finecast, that includes Death Guard and Thousand Sons.
the Codex cover artwork is the one that was already used by the BL "Blood Gorgons" Novel.
There are only 4 psychic powers per God, sadly.
If you upgrade your Demon prince to a specific god he gains hatred for the opposed chaos god
A posessed vehicle ignores stinned an shaken on 2+, but if a unit embarks you have to roll a D6 : on a roll of 1 you lose a random member if the squad and the vehicle regains 1hp
Obliterators can morph assault cannons
Правила ХСМ из нового WD

Improvised Armor: 6+ Save
Powerarmor: 3+ Save
Terminator Armor: Same as loyalist
Fleshmetal: 2+ Armor


Chaos Bike: SM Bike
Infernal Ammunition: AP3
Mechadrites: +2 A, includes 1 Meltagun and 1 Flamer
Plague Grenades: Mark of Nurgle only - Model carries Offensive and Defensive grenades
Seal of Corruption: 4+ Invulnerable Save

Gifts of Chaos
Aura of Dark Glory: 5+ Invulnerable Save
Gift of Mutation: Ahead of Deployment, roll once on the "Rewards of Chaos" table
Battle-familiar: Model gains 2 additional S4 AP- attacks
Wizard's familiar: Model may reroll failed Psychic tests
Warpblood: Everyime a model with Warpblood suffers an unsaved wound, the unit that caused this wound suffers 1 S3 AP4 hit. (it appears this is not limited to close combat)

Palanquin of Nurgle: Model gains +2 Wounds and +1 Attack and gets the Very bulky special rule
Bloodcrusher of Khorne: Model gains +1 Toughness, +1 Attack and +1 Wound and changes it's unit type to cavallery
Steed of Slaanesh: Model changes it's unit type to cavallery. It runs +3 inces. Gains accurate senses and Outflank special rule and is granted +1 attack
Disk of Tzeentch: Model changes it's unit type to Jetbike and gains +1 Attack

Icons of Chaos
All Icons grant +1 on Combat Resolution
Icon of Revenge: Unit is Fearless
Icon of Flames: Mark of Tzeentch Only: Boltguns, Heavy Boltguns and Bolt Pistols have the Soul Blaze Special Rule
Icon of Rage: Furious Charge, Unit may reroll Charge Distance
Icon of Despair: Mark of Nurgle only: Unit causes Fear
Icon of Ecess: Mark of Slaanesh Only: Unit gains Feel no Pain

Marks of Chaos
Mark of Khorne: Berserker, Counter-attack
Mark of Nurgle: +1 Toughness
Mark of Tzeentch: Invulnerable Saves improved by 1
Mark of Slaanesh: +1 Initiative. 

Mark of Nurgle, Mark of Tzeentch, Mark of Slaanesh: If they are given to a psyker, he must chose at least 1 psychic power of the appendant dicipline. 

Demonprince Upgrades
Demon of Khorne: Hatred (Demons of Slaanesh), Furious Charge
Demon of Slaanesh: Hatred (Demons of Khorne), Rending, Fleet of Foot, runs +3 inches
Demon of Nurgle: Hatred (Demons of Tzeentch), Slow and Purposefull, Shrouded
Demon of Tzeentch: Hatred (Demons of Nurgle), May Reroll all saves of 1

The Demon Prince is the only HQ choice with LD9. Everyone else got 10.

Also, he has WS9, BS5, S6, T5, W4, A5, I8. No Special Rules listed, and his save is - in the summary. I guess you can buy him stuff, though.

Psyker: May chose psyonic powers from pyromancy, biomancy or telepathy. If he's a demon of Nurgle, Slaanesh or Tzeentch he must chose at least 1 psycic power from the appendant dicipline.

Vehicle Upgrades:
Destroyer-Blades: Causes D6 S5 AP - hits while performing a Tank shock. If a Unit choses Death or Glory it suffers 2D6 hits instead
Warpflames: All ranged weapons have the Soul Blaze special rule
Whipping Tentacles: Every model suffers -1 attack for each whipping tentacle it has base contact to. (very strange wording here...)
Twin linked Boltgun: Duh.
Siege shield: Vehicle automatically passes dangerous terrain tests
Demon Engine: BS 3. Ignores Crew stunned and Crew shaken on rolls of 2+. When a unit embarks, roll a D6. On a roll of 1 you remove 1 random model as a casulty, and the vehicle regains 1 Hullpoint.
Magma-cutters. If a Maulerfiend with Magmacutters hits with at least one of it's attacks, it generates 1 extra attack. If it hits with all of it's attacks, it generates 2 additional attacks. These attacks have Initiative 1, S8, AP1 and armorbane.
Sonic Blaster: Enemy units within 6" may not perform defensive fire.

Special Rules
Obliterator Weapons: Kyborgs may chose one of the following weapons: Assault Canon, Heavy Flamer, 
lasCannon, Multimelta, Twinlinked Flamer, TL Plasmagun or TL meltagun. All obliterators must chose the same weapon. They may not chose the same weapon twice in a row.
Mutilator Weapons: Pick one of the following at the start of any combat phase the mutilator is in close combat: Pair of: Lightning Claws, Chain Fists, Power Swords, Power Mauls. All Mutilators must pick the same weapon, and may not chose the same weapon two combat steps in a row.

Might of the Soulforge: Once per game, at the beginning of a shooting or close combat phase, a model may unleash the might of the Soulforge to reroll all failed to wound/armor penetration rolls. It suffers a glancing hit at a roll of 1 at the end of the phase. 

Master of Machines: A Warpsmith may try to repair a friendly vehicle or curse an enemy vehicle.
repair: Needs to be in b2b or within the vehicle. On a roll of 5+ (4+ with mechadrites) he restores a hullpoint or removes one weapon destroyed/immobilized result.
Curse: Shooting attack: 18" range. If it hits, the enemy vehicles weapons have the 'gets hot' special rule. 

Psychic powers

Discipline of Tzeentch
Primary Power: Flames of Tzeentch Witchfire, Focus 1
24", S5, AP-, Blast, Inferno (Inferno: Each unsaved wound causes an aditional D3 S3 AP - Hits)

1-2: Gift of Mutation: Blessing: Focus 1: 
Friendly Character within 2" suffers a S4 AP-hit and ma roll on the "Rewards of Chaos" table

3-4: Bolt of Corruption: Beam, Focus1
18", S8, AP1, Detonation (If the target is an enemy vehicle and suffers a "Vehicle explodes" result the radius of the blast is 2d6 inches instead of D6 inches)

5-6: Odem of Chaos Witchfire, Focus 2
Template, S1, AP2, Poison (4+), corrosive. (corrosive: Vehicles hit suffer a glancing hit on a roll of 4+)

Discipline of Nurgle
Primary Power: Rot of Nurgle Witchfire, Focus 1
6", Assault D6+1, Poison (4+), S2 AP 5. No effect on models of Nurgle (yes, model of Nurgle is the actual wording.)

1-2: Weapon Virus: Curse, Fokus 1 
Range 24". All ranged weapons in the enemy unit have the "gets hot" special rule

3-4: Plagued Present Curse, Fokus 1
Range 48". Enemy unit rolls a D3: 
1: Corpsefliesinfestation: -1 attack, shrouded
2: muscular atrophy: -1 Strength, may not run
3: Liquifying Fever: -1 Strength and -1 toughness

5-6: Plagued Wind Fokus 2, Witchfier
12", S1, AP2, Assault 1, Blast (5"), Poison (4+)

Discipline of Slaanesh

Primary Power: Overload Witchfire, warp charge 1
24" S4 AP4 Assault 4, concussive, Blind, Pinning

1-2: hysterical frenzy Blessing, Warp Charge 1
Pick non-vehicle unit within 12" and roll a D3
1: +1 Initiative
2: +1 Strength
3: +1 Attack

3-4: Symphony of Pain Curse, Warp Charge 1
1 Enemy unit within 24 inches gets -1 BS and -1 WS. All ranged weapons directed at this unit get +1 Strength.

5-6: extatic wince Witchfire, warp charge 2
24": S: special, AP - Assault 1.
Every nonvehicle model in the enemy unit suffers 1 hit with its own strength.

Chaos Boon table (D66 pick 2d6, one is your tens and the other is your ones) 
These all have names but I will leave you to find them out yourselves 
You have to win a challenge to roll on this table 
11-16 - Nothing 
21-22 - Replace model with Chaos Spawn 
23 - +1 Attack 
24 - Eternal Warrior 
25 - +1 Strength 
26 - +1 BS 
31 - +1 Initiative 
32 - Return to full wounds, if unwounded gain +1 Wound 
33 - +1 Toughness 
34 - Shrouded 
35 - Armour Save improves by 1 
36 - Melee weapon has Fleshbane 
41 - Passing a Deny the Witch roll makes enemy Psyker take a Str 6 AP 2 hit 
42 - Re-roll failed armour saves 
43 - Melee attacks are Poisoned 
44 - Crusader 
45 - Hammer of Wrath 
46 - Icy Aura (enemy models in base contact take a Str 4 AP 5 hit at Initiative Step 1) 
51 - Adamantium Will 
52 - A ranged weapon has +1 Strength 
53 - Hatred (Everything!) 
54 - Shred 
55 - Melee attacks have instant death 
56 - +1 WS 
61 - Stubborn 
62 - Fleet 
63 - Feel No Pain 
64 - Roll another d3+1 on this table (re-rolling Spawnhood and Apotheosis) 
65-66 - Replace model with Daemon Prince 

Warlord Traits 
1 - Friendly units within 12" of Warlord have Preferred Enemy (Space Marines) 
2 - Melee weapons belonging to the Warlord and his unit have Soulblaze 
3 - D3 infantry units may infiltrate (could this be new Creed???) 
4 - Warlord and unit have hatred (everything!) 
5 - Warlord causes Fear 
6 - Warlord may re-roll Chaos Boons


                                               WS   BS    S   T   W   I    A   Ld   TS (english)
Abaddon                                  7     5      4    5   4    6   4   10    2+
Condottiero del Caos             6     5      4   4    3    5   3   10    3+
Principe Demone                    9     5      6   5   4    8    5    9      -
Apostolo Oscuro                      5     4     4    4   2    4   2    10   3+
Fabius Bile                               5     4      5   4   3    4   3     9    3+
Stregone del Caos                  5     4      4   4   2    4   2    10   3+
Huron Cuorenero                     6     5      4   4   3    5   3    10   3+
Kharn il Traditore                     7     5      4   4   3    5   4    10   3+
Typhus                                      6     5      4   4   4    5    3   10   3+
Ahriman                                    5     5      4   4   3    5    3   10   3+

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