Слухи: Темные ангелы

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Новая пачка слухов о Темных Ангелах:

via ever-trusty Stickmonkey 
Belial - not needed for deathwing
Sammael - not needed for ravenwing
Barakiel - named Techmarine/Master of the Forge! Note: Barakiel is known as Angel of Lightning in references
Sabrael - Guardian of the Inner Circle, gives bonus to Inner Circle unit
Company Master TA option
Interrogator Chaplain 
Chaplains (x3 can function independently like sanguinary priests in BA, or form a unit w special rules). Only characters if independent.
Inner Circle unit ( name is not known) tasked with hunting down one enemy unit, special rules for doing so. Can death wing assault, can assault on deep strike. But glass cannon, great in assault, but standard PA so will be easily shot up.
Brother-interrogators - this unit wears chaplain style death masks, but are not chaplains, they are a specialist unit adept at near range combat, standard armament is dual bolt pistols and power maul. Can upgrade pistols.

Tactical squad
Ravenwing Bike squad not sure how it differs from ravenwing assault squad. 
Fast Attack:
Ravenwing assault squad
Ravenwing support squad
Assault marines
Ravenclaw air superiority fighter - шts bigger than the StormTalon, but the fuselage has a landspeeder style to it. I took it to mean squarish. The wings are supposedly fanned forward like an Aquila. And others have mentioned it would not take much to make this look like the chapter symbol, but I haven't heard anything on this.
Heavy Support:
Whirlwind w flakk options
Land Raider
Devastator w flakk options
Mystery Heavy Support - no info
Battle bunker  
Siege cannon ( this is supposedly the Techmarine cannon described earlier)
 И еще немного слухов о правилах:

Despite the WD cover, I am hearing Nov/Dec timeframe. Not sure if this is reveal in Nov WD (released in Oct) release in Nov, or reveal in Dec WD...the way the rumors are flowing its getting very difficult to be sure what is meant.

Here's what my sources have past along:

New Azrael - PA, helmet on and off options, still with a watcher model holding combi-plasma (supposedly the watchers have an expanded role on table top now, but this is the first I've hear of this and no details given, so lots of skepticism.)
Azmodai - TA
Ezekial model staying the same.
Ravenwing Bike captain
Named Sargeant (Nameth?)
Belial gets a model
Sammael gets a new model (I am not certain, but this could be the bike captain being mistaken)

Landspeeder-esq flyer. (we've heard this before, so could be rehash) Has Aquila like wings. TLAC, TML, TLPC, TLHvyB (sounded like these were options, not that it had them all at once)
Plasma Pred (heard this before, too) TLPC turret.
Deathwing Box (new to me) AC, Cyclone Launcher, THSS x2, LC x2, PS x1, PC, HF, PF x5, SB x5, CF x2 (Lots of bits there, consistent with the load of extras in things like the Space wolf Termies, Plasma Cannon Termie? IBIWISI)
New Dreadnought type. Mortis options.
Inner Circle box. Elites. Robed PA. dual unit box. one is CC focus, the other is dual pistols (gunslingers, anyone?) one version uses chaplain helmets.
Seige unit. (not many details given on this, sounds like techmarine thunderfire type unit, hoping to get more on this)

Got some art of an attack bike with what could be a plasma blaster in the gunner side. definitely plasma. but multiple barrels. could also just be TLPG but the source said it was one weapon not side by side when asked.
Second shot has a squadron of bikes, 6 bikes + attack bike riding down orks, in the air is a landspeeder, but it has underslung missle pods. Could certainly be creative license.

Got art of Termie with a plasma cannon, back pack and hoses running behind.
Termies fighting chaos, one with LC and Cyclone launcher, the rest SB and PF, SGT in front with PS. Lends credence to mixed squads being present.

Art of supposed new flyer does very much resemble the lightning, with a landspeeder-esque body.
Shot of chaplain in TA fighting a hellbrute. So obviously wasn't meant for DV as that chaplain is PA.
Techmarine firing unknown weapon. Looks like a punisher cannon. supported with servo harness and held at hip. one servo arm is feeding belt ammo into it.

One thing, I've gotten a lot of rumors winging my way of techmarines. IMHO I am not certain some of it might not be for something else down the road. There is no particular fluff reason I'm aware of DA would have a greater than normal emphasis on TM. Iron hands, sure. But not DA.

Or possible as a first founding chapter there is just more artificer armor present and the art is being mistaken for techmarines...

 It's just the Dreadnought. DA Dreadnoughts can purchase an offhand autocannon or missile launcher as normal, upgrade their primary gun as normal, or replace both arms with a pair of matching guns to be deemed "Mortis."

One character prevents you from taking allies from Guard.

about the Deathwing I heard something about a box containing two hammers and shield and weapon type weapon nemesis that should give FNP to 2 +
The apothecary is FNP 5+ like normal, only one unit per army, there is a similar-to-warding staff option but not as good and for librarians as it uses a warp charge but is an automatic psychic power that can be shut down only by runic weapons and the like.

there will be new variants of land speeder ... (And perhaps also one that makes the functions of the storm talon)
Correct, the Tempest basically. It's can Zoom, comes with a twin-linked assault cannon (not on a turret) and typhoon launcher.

The presence of 3 banners that will characterize the army and the command team.
Replacement for the distributed per-squad banners. These are a lot like the SM special characters, they grant a USR for the whole army when purchased and are very expensive, must be modeled (but come as raised image banners in the DA character box) and still apply even if the banner is lost. It's just a visual representation of a way to place points.

Note: This is also the current direction for the next SM release, where Combat Tactics is renamed Chapter Tactics and is replaced by paying a surcharge on your HQ, instead of having to buy specific characters.
Named characters still impose their Chapter Tactics as per normal, and are cheaper than a standard HQ + ChapterTax, but it's a nice alternative.

the DA will have different rules on the use of plasma weapons .. something warming ... to represent the fact that they are experts in using these weapons.
They can reroll failed armor saves against Gets Hot! and vehicles get to reroll its 4+ to avoid the hull point.

New aircraft is introduced into the codex DA will not be the storm Talon.
That would be the tempest from above

the cyclone missile launcher will have an AA if the model remains stationary for that turn.
Close but no cigar. Remaining stationary lets you reroll misses with Cyclone launchers against flyers.

There will be new options for the predator.
Plasma Destroyer Turret, heavy 3 plasma cannon, no plasma cannon sponsons.

WW AA will have the option as an upgrade and 3 different types of missile to choose before the game.
Replace both Castellan and Vengeance with Helios Missile launcher for free. Heavy 1, Twin Linked, Skyfire Interceptor.

special character chaplain will be introduced
He's not new, it's Asmodai. He's just making a come back.

there will be new psychic powers and will be given space to a couple of new units that are not present in the previous codex.
The first part is true, they get a new Lore with only some resemblance to the current codex. There are 2 new units (outside of the additions of Vanguard and Sternguard).

There are two basic troops choices and not just one.
Tactical Squad and Deathwing are troops.

it comes to AA missile launchers in the new codex .. I do not know, and this refers to the type of the missile destroyers or to those mentioned above.
Devastators can upgrade to take flakk missiles at +5 points per model, replaces Krak and Frag options.

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