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Недавно околовахраммерная блогосфера сотряслась: прикрыли самый популярный новостной блог Фаеита и сайт Колокольчиков, которые на него ссылались. Пруфы жалоб ГВ в Жужль доказывают, что произошло это не внезапно, а после трех или даже четырез предупреждений...

Негодование из-за скринов нового ИА на блоге апокалипсиса (сам apocalypse40k ссылался, кстати,  на дарога) 16 апреля:
Sender Information:Games Workshop LimitedSent by: [Private]Games Workshop LimitedGBRecipient Information:[Private]Google, Inc. [Blogger]Mountain View, CA, 94043, USASent via: online form: Form Re: Infringement Notification via Blogger ComplaintGoogle Form: copyright DMCA Complaint of alleged copyright infringement
1. Complainant's InformationName: Company name: Games Workshop LimitedFull legal name of the copyright holder: Games Workshop LimitedCountry of residence: GB
2. Your copyrighted workLocation of copyrighted work (where your authorized work is located):‘Imperial Armour Twelve – The Fall ofOrpheus’ ISBN: 9781908872951 ©2013The publication can be seen for sale on Games Workshop's Forge Worldwebstore:http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/New_Stuff/IMPERIAL_ARMOUR_VOLUME_TWELVE_THE_FALL_OF_ORPHEUS.htmlDescription of the copyrighted work:All images of pages fronm the book (10 intotal) and the text between 'Necrons: Dark Harvest Legions of the Maynarkh'and 'He also has prefered enemy' is copied from or copies a significantpart of the Games Workshop publication ‘Imperial Armour Twelve – The Fallof Orpheus’ ISBN: 9781908872951 ©2013
3. Allegedly Infringing Material:URL of the allegedly infringing material in our search results:
(1.) http://apocalypse40k.blogspot.fi/2013/04/imperial-armour-12-rules-pictures.htmlSworn StatementsI have a good faith belief that use of the copyrighted materials described above as allegedly infringing is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law. [checked]
I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information in the notification is accurate and that I am the copyright owner or am authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed. [checked]Signed on this date of:Signature[Private]

По Фаеиту.
Бугурт ГВ по поводу скринов демонов из ВД:
February 20, 2013Sender Information:Games Workshop LimitedSent by: [Private]Games Workshop LimitedGBRecipient Information:[Private]Google, Inc. [Blogger]Mountain View, CA, 94043, USASent via: online form: Form Re: Infringement Notification via Blogger ComplaintGoogle Form: copyright DMCA Complaint of alleged copyright infringement
1. Complainant's InformationName: Company name: Games Workshop LimitedFull legal name of the copyright holder: Games Workshop LimitedCountry of residence: GB
2. Your copyrighted workLocation of copyrighted work (where your authorized work is located):The copyrighted work is the contents of theunreleased 'White Dwarf' magazine (ISSN: 0265-8712) produced by GamesWorkshop Limited and due for release on 23rd February 2013.Description of the copyrighted work:The magazine content and images areprotected by copyright andGames Workshop Limited does not give permission for it to be displayed onthe Faeit212 Blog. The blog is displaying photographic copies of the pagesof the magazine. All images in the body of the blog post infringe.As copyright owner, Games Workshop also has the rights to first release ofthe material to the public. These rights are being infringed by theFaeit212 blog entry identified, belonging to user 'Natfka'.Due to the confidential nature of the work being infringed and itscurrent status as unreleased, we kindly request you remove this materialfrom your service as swiftly as possible.This user has infringed Games Workshop's rights previously by posting pagesof other editions of White Dwarf magazine [Google requests #1120928709 and#1142470480 and 3-8432000000251 and 8-4694000000377]. This user, 'Natfka',is a repeat infringer and I request that Google disable the account inaccordance with Google's terms of service.Please let me know if you require any further information. Thank you.
3. Allegedly Infringing Material:URL of the allegedly infringing material in our search results:
(1.) http://natfka.blogspot.co.uk/2013/02/chaos-daemon-pics-have-arrived.htmlSworn StatementsI have a good faith belief that use of the copyrighted materials described above as allegedly infringing is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law. [checked]I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information in the notification is accurate and that I am the copyright owner or am authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed. [checked]Signed on this date of:Signature[Private]
Еще одна предъява по поводу воинов хаоса:
January 18, 2013Sender Information:Games Workshop LimitedSent by: [Private]Games Workshop LimitedGBRecipient Information:[Private]Google, Inc. [Blogger]Mountain View, CA, 94043, USASent via: online form: Form Re: Infringement Notification via Blogger ComplaintGoogle Form: copyright DMCA Complaint of alleged copyright infringement
1. Complainant's InformationName: Company name: Games Workshop LimitedFull legal name of the copyright holder: Games Workshop LimitedCountry of residence: GB
2. Your copyrighted workLocation of copyrighted work (where your authorized work is located):The copyrighted work is the contents of theunreleased 'White Dwarf' magazine (ISSN: 0265-8712) produced by GamesWorkshop Limited and due for release on 26th January 2013.Description of the copyrighted work:The magazine content, images and text areprotected by copyright andGames Workshop Limited does not give permission for it to be displayed onthe Faeit212 Blog. The blog is displaying photographic copies of the pagesof the magazine.As copyright owner, Games Workshop also has the rights to first release ofthe material to the public. These rights are being infringed by theFaeit212 blog entry identified, belonging to user 'Natfka'. This user hasinfringed Games Workshop's rights previously by posting pages of previousissues of White Dwarf magazine in the same manner Google requests[#1120928709] and [3-8432000000251].Due to the confidential nature of the work being infringed and itscurrent status as unreleased, we kindly request you remove this materialfrom your service as swiftly as possible. Please let me know if you requireany further information. Thank you.
3. Allegedly Infringing Material:URL of the allegedly infringing material in our search results:(1.) http://natfka.blogspot.co.uk/2013/01/more-pics-for-warriors-of-chaos-are-here.html(2.) http://natfka.blogspot.co.uk/2013/01/more-pics-for-warriors-of-chaos-are-here.htmlSworn StatementsI have a good faith belief that use of the copyrighted materials described above as allegedly infringing is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law. [checked]I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information in the notification is accurate and that I am the copyright owner or am authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed. [checked]Signed on this date of:Signature[Private]
Последняя капля 22 апреля - скрины хаев из айстора:
April 22, 2013Sender Information:Games Workshop LimitedSent by: [Private]Games Workshop LimitedGBRecipient Information:[Private]Google, Inc. [Blogger]Mountain View, CA, 94043, USASent via: online form: Form Re: Infringement Notification via Blogger ComplaintGoogle Form: copyright DMCA Complaint of alleged copyright infringement
1. Complainant's InformationName: Company name: Games Workshop LimitedFull legal name of the copyright holder: Games Workshop LimitedCountry of residence: GB
2. Your copyrighted workLocation of copyrighted work (where your authorized work is located):The copyrighted work is the contents of theunreleased 'White Dwarf' magazine (ISSN: 0265-8712) produced by GamesWorkshop Limited and due for release on 27th April 2013.Description of the copyrighted work:The magazine content and images areprotected by copyright and Games Workshop Limited does not give permissionfor it to be displayed on the Faeit212 Blog. The blog is displayingphotographic copies of the pages of the magazine. The 19 photos of magazinepages in the body of the blog post infringe.As copyright owner, Games Workshop also has the rights to first release ofthe material to the public. These rights are being infringed by theFaeit212 blog entry identified, belonging to user 'Natfka'.Due to the confidential nature of the work being infringed and its currentstatus as unreleased, we kindly request you remove this material from yourservice as swiftly as possible.
3. Allegedly Infringing Material:URL of the allegedly infringing material in our search results:(1.) http://natfka.blogspot.co.uk/2013/04/lots-of-new-pics-for-high-elves.htmlSworn StatementsI have a good faith belief that use of the copyrighted materials described above as allegedly infringing is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law. [checked]I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information in the notification is accurate and that I am the copyright owner or am authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed. [checked]
Signed on this date of:Signature[Private]
После 3х проколов блог Фаеита закрыли. Прикрыли и Колокольчики, но сегодня заходил - сайт уже работает.
Если честно, не зря прикрыли. Если сникпики журнала еще проканывали, откровенные скрины с цифровой версии армибука - перебор. 
Ждем новый блог от Фаеита. Блог это будет или видеоподкаст - покажет время.
Bluetable студия взяла интервью у Фаеита:

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