16:58 KREM 0 Comments

Как сообщает epicaddiction.wordpress.com, ГВ закрывает Специалист геймс. После того, как будут распроданы все модели, новые выпускаться не будут. Будут закрыты все существующие линейки игр: Epic, BFG, Necromunda, Warmaster, Mordheim и Inquisitor. 
Well guys,This is it. The last mournful days of a truly amazing thing called Specialist Games.Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust…In case you have missed it, GW are cutting all metal production as they switch over to fine cast, and have let it be known that once stocks of Epic, BFG, Necromunda, Warmaster, Mordheim, Inquisitor run out, then they are gone for good. The source is multiple people, including me, on the Taccoms forum having rung GW and having it confirmed by Customer Services and the GW warehouse staff. Hopefully the communities will continue as strong, but without models being sold it will be difficult to bring in new blood. Perhaps the alternative manufacturers will step up to fill the void.It also somewhat annoyingly spells the death knell of my putative £100 armies series – given that people will be unable to buy the models at all!I have put in a final panic buy order for some things I need to complete my fleets / armies - nabbing the last Rogue Trader Cruiser like it was the last chopper coming out of Saigon. I hope everyone got everything they needed, or can find replacements elsewhere.

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